The Trust

Warcombe Farm Christian Trust was established about 25 years ago by a group of Christians when we had the opportunity to purchase 8 acres of land and the buildings at Warcombe Farm, Lee Bay in North Devon. Included within the purchase was a field that had been used for camping as a Boys Brigade campsite for many years prior to the purchase.
The aim of Warcombe Farm Trust is to provide camping and holiday accommodation, predominantly but not exclusively for groups of young people from youth groups, schools, church groups and other youth organisations.
The camping facilities are used regularly throughout the summer holiday season by groups ranging from 15-100 in number, with many groups returning to the site regularly.

The Trustees
Geoff Hills
Geoff Hills has been involved in the campsite at Warcombe since its inception as a Boys Brigade site in the 1960s.
Lynda Hill
Lynda Hill has been a Trustee of Warcombe since the beginning.
Lynda's vision is to see the Trust providing first class facilities for youth and other groups where young people can enjoy great holidays, learn new skills and enjoy the fantastic surroundings of North Devon.
David Hill
Dave Hill is a founding Trustee with a number of years' experience working with young people. He has experience in finance and management which he brings to the Trust, ensuring we operate in an efficient and professional way.
Max Ferzoli
Max Ferzoli was born in Lebanon and moved to England in 1978. Warcombe Farm is a very special place for Max as it was there that he became a Christian during a summer camp with his youth group in 1982. Max has a particular love for people of non-British origin and cultural background as he feels he can relate to them, having come to Britain himself as an immigrant at an early age.
Alex Black
Alex Black is a founder trustee and has 46yrs youth leader experience.
He sees the Trust as supporting groups committed to youth work at the spiritual hub of church life.
Now retired, he spent most of his career as R&D manager in the electronics industry, with later periods as an Army Driving Instructor and a School Science Technician.